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아름다운 변화, 행복한 군위

군민들의 변화를 향한 열망을 마음 깊이 새기고
“아름다운 변화 ,행복한 군위”를 만들기 위해 다함께 가도록 하겠습니다.


a Historic and Traditional Town

My name is Kim Jin-yeol, and I am the Governor of Gunwi-gun.
sincerely welcome you to our County Office website.

My administration will focus the collective passion and determination for change,
and do its best to inspire “beautiful change” across the County and create a “happy Gunwi.”

Under my leadership, Gunwi will design its future together with locals so that our County establishes itself as the heart and soul of the Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do region. This will, ultimately, give us the driving force to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with other cities and counties around the world.
My administration will do its best to usher in a new era of communication and harmony. Our plan is to build a beautiful, happy County where all our people can interact with one another and take the next leap forward together as a community.

The Gunwi Office wants to listen to feedback from each and every citizen, as it strives to keep its doors open to the public at all times! A great place to live! A place worth living in! Let's build our Gunwi together.

Thank you.

  • 담당부서 :
  • 전화번호 :
  • 최종수정일 : 2023-09-11

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